Tag Archives | 2015

14th Anniversary of 9/11 and Remembering the Rebuilding of Ground Zero

New York City- ground zero 2011

14th Anniversary of 9/11

September 11, 2001 was the day America was attacked by terrorists.  Two American Airlines, flight 11 and 175 crashed into the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. One United Airlines, flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon.  The other United Airlines, flight 93 never made it to their target in Washington DC, but crashed in the field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.  The attacks claimed 2977 lives.  The tragedy didn’t hinder our nation or make us weak as intended.  The strength and spirit of America is alive and well today!

“Ground Zero” became known as the area where the two towers of the World Trade Center once stood.  911 Memorial was built and opened to the public 10 years after the tragic events.  The memorial is outside in a park like setting with two large reflecting pools, waterfalls, and inscriptions of the victims’ names on the walls.  The underground 911 Museum opened to the public on May 21, 2014.  It is where artifacts, pictures, and the history of 9/11 are displayed to the public.

A new building {above picture}, One World Trade Center was also built on Ground Zero.  The building is the tallest structure in New York City, standing at 1,776 feet, 408 feet taller than the former twin towers.  “Its height in feet is a deliberate reference to the year when the  United States Declaration of Independence was signed.”  The new World Trade Center opened on November 3, 2014.

One World Trade Center
{11 years to build, 2 minutes to see it}
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Posted by Bill & Kay


Back to School, DIY Brown Paper Book Covers

Back to school, brown paper book cover

The first week of school is behind us and the kids are adjusting to the new routine.  There are a few extra school supplies left to get, a little organizing of their things and filling the calendar with to do’s/appointments/events.

Last year I helped Hannah covered her text books,  which I thought she knew how to do.  She was a little hesitant about it, but agreed to try.  For the project, I used regular brown paper bags and Washi tapes to secure and decorate the book covers.  Hannah liked them and her high school friends thought it was a “cool” idea.  There must be many kids from this generation that have never covered their text books before.

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Plum Cake in a tart pan

Plum Cake (in a tart pan)

It is late into the summer and a whisper of chill is in the air. Harvest season is upon us as evident from our plum tree that is laden with tiny yellow plums.  For the next few weeks there will be more than enough plums for picking, canning, and baking.  The birds will soon be making regular visits there to enjoy the fruit.  Last year there had to have been hundreds of birds in the plum tree everyday during those weeks.  The sounds from the birds in the tree was incredible to hear.

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The San Juan Islands … kayaking and camping

San Juan Islands, kayaking

Summertime in Washington State is a time to take advantage of the outdoors and explore what nature has to offer, from the lush green forests, to the rugged mountains, the beautiful surrounding lakes, and the vast Pacific Ocean.

Last summer my brother, Mat and his friend, Ryan headed to the San Juan Islands to do some camping and a lot of kayaking.  Many months of preparation had gone into the trip to insure their safety out in the open water.  A double kayak was their source of transportation and storage for all their supplies and equipment.  Mat had reserved the campgrounds in advance and to access the campsites, they had to paddle their kayak there.  The initial trip was intended to be seven days of kayaking and exploring around one of the main islands, San Juan Island.  But due to the weather, the trip was cut short by two days.  The southern part of the island will have to be explored at another time.

Mat documented the trip using a GoPro high-definition camera.  The videos were edited and condensed into a short twenty-two-minute film accompanied with music.  It is available for viewing at the end of the blog post and on YouTube.  The video started with them packing up early in the morning before heading out to the ferry.  Later in the video, you will see two crabs they caught for dinner.  Jones Island was their favorite place to camp because of the incredible view of the surrounding areas.  The one negative they encountered throughout the two nights they were there was the large population of raccoons.  Their curiousity kept the guys up throughout the first night, and got a little better the second night.   You could fast forward about nineteen minutes into the video if you want to see these raccoons.   All you will see are these glowing mysterious eyes watching your every move.  Mat was able to capture many beautiful sceneries, sunsets, and wildlife during his trip. It was a fun adventure with lots of great memories for Mat and Ryan.

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Poolside Treats and Things

Poolside treats and things

It’s summertime and an afternoon of fun activities outside, swimming in the pool or playing in the sprinkler are great pastimes for the kids to do.  In between activities is a good time to bring out refreshments and sweet treats.  I decided to put together a little refreshment center for them to have and share with friends.  To make it festive and summertime, I decorated the empty picture frame to look like water.  I used tissue paper cut in strips with scallop edges layered together with double sided tape to look like waves. A decorative flag banner {diy herewas added to the top of the picture frame.

A local candy shop, The Confectionery was the source for gummies and chocolate treats.  Not everyone lives nearby, so I included internet sources at the end of the blog post.  Other than treats, bubbles are always fun, and the BEST bubbles that will last a long time before they pop are the ones sold by Gymboree.

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