“When you find something you really love, you will always be able to find a spot for it in your home,” Susan Wheeler.
Located in Seattle’s Georgetown neighborhood is this lovely shop, Susan Wheeler Home. It is brimming with unique vintage items, collectibles, antiques, salvage pieces, and furnishings. Susan Wheeler opened her shop to the public in October 2009 and for the past 5 years it has become a destination for shoppers and interior designers. The idea of having a shop filled with her favorite things wasn’t something Susan had set out to do. Before she began this new chapter in her life, her priority for 20 plus years was to be at home with her kids. Reflecting on this change in her life, Susan said,
“I am lucky to be able to have a shop where I can gather together things that I like and have the good fortune to have nice people come and find things they like too.”