The morning air was cold and crisp with the temperature hovering in the low teens when we drove over the mountain pass to visit friends in Ellensburg, Washington. It was a quick hour and a half drive east. After about 20 minutes on the road, we got our first glimpse of snow scattered along the highway. As we climbed higher in elevation, the scenery was filled with white pine trees. We were in winter wonderland.
The views were simply beautiful.
We exited the highway before entering the city center of Ellensburg {the city is just beyond the trees}. The farmland looked quiet and peaceful covered with snow.
During our visit, I got to see this wonderful homemade ice skating rink that Emma {above pic} built in the backyard. She carefully thought out her plans and with some help from her family, she was able to carry out her vision. The rink was large enough to skate around and perform a trick or two if so desired. Great job Emma!
These girls have known each since they were babies and soon will be graduating from high school.
This will be Hannah’s first attempt at ice skating.
Emma {left} added this cute little bench next to the ice rink… and another one was placed inside the rink incase you needed to rest for a few minute.
Emma patiently held Hannah’s hand as she skated around the rink while Grace {right} was doing just fine on her own. This was an absolutely beautiful winter backdrop to be surrounded by.
Making memories…
Even though it was sunny and blue sky, the temperature never left 11°F. But it was warm and cozy inside the house as we shared two big pots of homemade soups together and enjoyed each others company. Thank you Kain family for a wonderful day out in the country.
Posted by Kay

Love your show!
Seriously now. Let’s do this family-visit thing much more often. I even have Spring Theme suggestions: Mud at the Kain’s, Shearing Sheep, Mucking out Animal Shelters together…I just have this feeling you would find the beauty in anything with your lens Kay! Well done. signed, your fan.
Your ideas are extremely tempting Sherry 🙂 You will make anyone of them fun to do, especially shearing sheep! Have a wonderful week! 🙂