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These spring Easter treat cups filled with an assortment of candy and chocolates are just the right size to give as gifts to kids {and adults} to enjoy. They are a fun addition to the table as place settings or displayed on a platter/basket as a part of your Easter decor.
- an assortment of sweet treats
{jelly beans, gummy eggs/carrots, and chocolate eggs} - crinkle paper grass {see how to below}
- brown paper cut into square shape, large enough to wrap around the cup
{The paper I used is call “paper drop cloth“. It’s a large lightweight sheet of paper that painters use to cover an area of a room before painting. They are often found with other paint supplies at home improvement stores. If you don’t need a lot of it, a similar type of paper to use is the basic brown lunch bags.} - twine
- brown seeding pots {or other types of containers such as basic paper cups}
- simple gift tags made on the computer with a message {Happy Easter & He is Risen}
How to make brown crinkle grass:
- Cut brown paper into thin strips {This is the same paper used to wrap the cups}.
- Take a handful of the cut strips of paper and crumble them tight in the palm of your hand.
- Loosen the crumbled pieces of paper and you now have crinkle paper grass.
They are ready to be used.
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1. Place the bottom of the cup in the middle of the square piece of paper.
2. Start with one edge of the paper, bring it up to the side of the cup, holding it in place and press any extra paper flat against it. Repeat this process around the cup until the entire piece of paper is wrapped around it.
3. Wrap twine around the cup twice to hold the paper in place, tie a knot, and attach a tag. A small piece of tape may be needed to keep the twine from moving.
4. Fill it with treats, a layer of crinkle paper grass, and top it with a pretty bag of Easter candy.
The finished treat cups for Easter.
A wooden berry basket was used to carry and display the Easter candy cups along with fresh flowers and eggs.
Our chickens are friendly and always curious. They like to follow me around, especially when I’m digging in the garden. When I took the basket outside to take some photos, they noticed it and came right over.
Happy Easter!
Posted by Kay

Oh! this is so cute…and it looked so good in your berry basket. Happy a wonderful Easter.
Thanks Monica! I hope you have a wonderful Easter too!