Italian gunmaker, Beretta, is the oldest continuously operating company in the world. They have been in existance since 1526, almost 500 years and family owned. This is unheard of in todays companies. They specialize in firearms, particularly shotguns and rifles. The quality and workmanship is superb. They offer other accessories such as knives and hunting clothes for their clientele.
While in New York City a few months ago, I had the opportunity to visit the Beretta store, one of six in the world. {Beretta 718 Madison Ave New York, NY}
I slowly made my way through the store and to the third floor. There the showcase of the many shotguns were on display.
The salesperson took the time and guided me through the different shotguns and how each was unique. At the end, he brought out two very expensive shotguns (worth as much as a house). As he pointed out their unique qualities, it was clear as to why they were the best of the best. The Beretta that I own can’t be compare to those, but remembering the excitement of my first Beretta is like holding the best of the best. It’s a great shotgun in its function, and beautiful in its elegant lines and craftsmanship. It was an exciting excursion and educational.

This was my big purchase at the Beretta store.
I didn’t leave empty handed…
Below are some examples of the works by Beretta.

Beretta 455 EELL Express $110,000

Beretta Imperial Montecarlo $130,000

Beretta SO10EELL $240,000+
In 2010, President George W. Bush was presented with a custom Beretta SO10EELL. The finest walnut is used, inlaid with 24 carat gold, the Presidential Seal (43), and his dog, all engraved on the gun. Over 500 hours of engraving went into this gun.

Mr. Peter Horn VP of Beretta’s U.S. Retail Corporation(l) and Dott. Franco Gussalli Beretta(c) present President George W. Bush(r) with Baretta SO10 EELL shotgun (2010). image

President George W. Bush & Beretta SO10 EELL shotgun image
The thought of taking a shotgun like this on a hunting trip.
What do you think, use it or not?
posted by: Bill 1

‘B’ says, “If someone’s breaking in his house, yah.”
What an interesting post, Fascinating. It was worth the wait!