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The change in season is upon us and with it comes the new routine and activities. The kids are back in school and signed up for soccer this fall. I have begun the cleaning process in the garden and around the yard while Bill tackled some of the miscellaneous repairs and unfinished projects in and around the house. The days are full and the list of things to do is unending. Finding some quiet time to yourself to unwind… with a hot cup of coffee and a good book to read is always an excellent idea.
I asked Bill to compile some of his recent favorite books to share on the blog and here are four great books to read this fall. Three of these books will take readers back in time and look at the history of our world, the people and places. The forth book will open our imagination to the future and the possibilities. The authors have done extensive research and delivered the stories in a clear and engaging manner keeping the reader’s attention with the turning of each page.
Here is what Bill had to say about these books…
by Edmond Morris
Theodore Rex is the second book of the three volume collection by the author, Edmund Morris. It’s a continuation of the life of Theodor Roosevelt {our 26th President} from 1901 to 1909. The book picks up where The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt {excellent book} left off; with the assassination of President McKinley, Roosevelt moves from Vice President to President. Teddy had already packed more into his life than most people could if granted three lifetimes, but he had more to do and contribute to the development of the USA and the World. An excellent read. By this time I had already become accustomed to the reality that this was a man so very intelligent and moving through life with such force. Few will ever be quite like him and there was only one Theodore Roosevelt.
Theodore Roosevelt was the consummate outdoorsman and conservationist, leading the development of eighteen National Monuments and five National Parks. This picture was taken of him at Glacier Point, Yosemite (1903). The outdoors was very important to him and as President, he took numerous trips to explore the many parts of America and its rugged beauty and wilderness.
by Mark Kurlansky
Who would think that the history of a food source, a fish, would play such an important role in the development of countries, nations and the developing world. Author, Mark Kulansky takes us through this history and how important was the trade of cod. With recipes long since forgotten intertwined in the story, we learn of the fish’s discovery amongst the first fisherman to catch them, the trading market, the importance of feeding communities and even international conflicts over this food source. He takes us right up to near present day when the world has recognized the damages of having over-fished the species and efforts to hopefully help them to bounce back in the decades to come.
by Daniel James Brown
A gripping re-telling of the college students from the University of Washington persevering through trials of early 20th Century life to win the Gold Medal at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. Central to the story is Joe Rantz growing up in Washington to become part of the team. His life is one of repeatedly overcoming challenges in life, often alone, and making it onto the championship team. The book is riveting and hard to put down once begun, but it will encourage you to press on through your own trials.
The location of the rowing event at the 1936 summer Olympic was the Berlin-Grünau Regatta Course, Germany.
by Andy Weir
I don’t often think a movie and a book will be so equally entertaining, but after watching “The Martian” movie twice and loving the film, I then read the book which led to weeks of discovering other interesting things about space and physics. Although science fiction, so much of the story is believable and easily imaginable. The characters are great and the suspense is constant. A really enjoyable story to help us all believe in hope and work towards overcoming obstacles.
You will not regret reading any one of these books. I have gained more knowledge and in-depth appreciation of our history and those who came before us. The incredible strength and determination it took for them to presevere through their many obstacles and challenges on their journey, was inspiring. I hope you will enjoy these books as much as I did.
In addition, here is a list of the current books I’ve started to read:
Benjamin Franklin by Walter Isaacson
The Billionaire’s Vinegar by Benjamin Wallace
Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlansky
The Potato by Larry Zuckerman
Longitude by Dava Sobel
Posted by Bill and Kay

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