Enjoying the beautiful weather this week with no rain insight until Friday. Yesterday the temperature was in the low 80s °F, warm sunshine, and blue sky. Today will be similar but a little warmer. Enjoying it all, rain or shine.
These pictures were taken last week early in the morning after the rain had subsided from 24 hours of continuous rainfall. How these seemingly delicate flowers could withstand so much and look vibrant and beautiful through it all. I love seeing all the little rain droplets still clinging to the plants and being surrounded by the clean fresh scent after the rain.
By late afternoon, the rain picked right back up again …..
White bluebells surrounded by silver-green lamb’s ear plants.
pretty vibrant pink tulips
bluebells and more bluebells to come {see all in bloom Here}
Pink apple blossoms ….. I’m hoping for a bountiful apple crop season this year.
My May calendar is filling up quickly {not including the kids’ activities}. Here are some of the things going on at our house along with a little sneak peek of blog ideas for this month.
{print April showers bring May flowers calendar, Here}
All printables are for personal use only.
posted by: Kay