A quick excursion to the farm. Last weekend we received an email from our friends, Rob and Debbie wanting to know if anyone would like fresh apple cider. The answer was a definite, “Yes!” First thing in the morning, Bill and our daughter Hannah headed out to see them. Hannah brought a camera and took these wonderful pictures. It couldn’t get any fresher than seeing it being made right in front of you. This was truly a very special treat for us because Rob & Debbie had decided to close Fall City Farms retail business and semi-retired in 2012. That meant no more fresh fruits, vegetables, pumpkins and apple cider. But just for one day, we got to enjoy our favorite delicious crisp apple cider again. Bill and Hannah brought home 2 gallons of it and by the end of the day half of the quantity was gone!
Bins full of apples to be pressed and made into cider.
A sunny-cool November morning at Fall City Farms.
One of the greeters at the farm.
This would be a fun bucket to bob for apples!
Thank you Rob & Debbie for this wonderful and unexpected treat!
{Fall City Farms website Here}
posted by: Kay

The scenery and photos are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by Aileen! Have a wonderful day.