The idea of using newspaper, an old book, magazine or catalog pages is popular and an easy solution to wrapping gifts or for other purposes {i.e. tags}. A few months ago I received a Big stack of catalogs from Restoration Hardware in the mail {see pic above} that was almost 2 inches thick. The pictures were beautiful and the colors were soft and earth tones. After having gone through the catalogs numerous times and found all the inspirations I needed, it was time to let them go to be recycled. There are many ideas on Pinterest to turn old books, newspapers, and magazines into useful, fun and creative projects. Wrapping little gifts and making gift tags are basic, easy and inexpensive to do and that’s where I decided to try. Tear a page out, wrap, tape, tie it with twine and … Done! One other great thing about this is not having black ink on hands and fingers {from newspaper}.
Gift wrapping little gift / jewelry boxes only needed one page each from the catalog to wrap. They look like regular (maybe designer) wrapping papers!
Filled empty toilet paper rolls with small favors / treasures before wrapping each one with a page from catalog {twice around} and tie the ends with twine.
All purpose/generic gift tags, cut plain card stock paper into long strips {2 1/2 ” wide by 4 1/4 ” long}. Fold about 1/2 inch down from the top and secure it with glue then punch a small hole in the middle for a string to go through. Cut an image from the catalog and glue/tape it to the card stock. Write a message and attach it to a gift.
Holiday catalogs will be arriving in your mailbox soon, have fun reusing them!
posted by: Kay

This is such a cute idea! I always cry a little when I throw out old RH catalogs. Now I can do something with some of the best pages instead!
They did a great job on the catalogs. I’m thinking of framing a few of the pictures, the colors fit well in my house.