On Memorial Day last year, the Boy Scouts along with veterans and military personnel visited a nearby cemetery to pay tribute. Caleb participated in a ceremony and carried one of the flags {pic above}.
We share our deepest appreciation and gratitude to those who sacrificed and laid down their lives so that we could live in freedom. Across our nation on this day we come together to remember, to observe, to honor, and to pay tribute for their service to the country.
• There are parades and gatherings and special ceremonies at cities and towns.
• At public places and government buildings flags are flown at half-staff until noon.
• At 3 p.m. {local time} is the National Moment of Remembrance, a time to pause for one minute to remember the fallen.
Our U.S. flag is displayed in front of the house proudly to show support for the military and pride for the country.
We have different sized US flags at home, but none quite as large as the one Caleb stood in front of. Last summer Bill and Caleb had the opportunity to take a tour of the amphibious assault ship, USS Essex {LHD 2} when it came to port in Seattle. In one area of the ship this massive US flag was out on display for all to see.
As they approached the ship {left}, Bill took this photo of the contrast in size to the cruise ship anchored to the right.
The ship is 844 feet long and 106 feet wide.
Multipurpose 80,000 sq ft Flight Deck
{for… helicopters, air-cushion landing crafts, short take-off vertical landing jets, and other military aircraft}.
Chinook Helicopter
One of many US military armored vehicles stored inside the ship.
{video not playing, click here}
On May 11, 2015 the USS Essex (LHD 2) departed from San Diego Naval Base. The ship will travel to Hawaii for more training exercise before for heading out for a regular deployment to the Persian Gulf.
The pictures above are from the USS Essex (LHD 2) Facebook page, there you can see more photos and get current news.
Shield: the gold line joining the blue of the Navy and the scarlet of the Marine Corps shows the unity of the two services. The gold border shows the unity required of amphibious operations. The 2 stands for LHD 2.
Crest: the bald eagle with a shield on its breast is representative of the eagle used in the coat of arms of the fourth ship to bear the name USS ESSEX. The Marine officer’s sword grasped in the eagle’s talons is showing that the embarked Marine units are USS ESSEX’s main battery. The red banner stands for sacrifice and valor required to win the thirteen battle stars in World War II and the four in the Korean War. The Black color for the motto is meant to stand out for all to read and heed. The white border on the banner and the white stars symbolize the purity of cause for which the ship serves and the stars were won.
Motto: The motto refers to the notice that went out to people of Essex County, Massachusetts, to raise funds for the building of the first ESSEX.
Supporters: the amphibious insignia over the Pacific Ocean symbolizes amphibious operations from the oceans of the world.
Chain: the gold chain surrounded by the five-sided coat of arms represents the five naval ships to bear the name ESSEX. {source: Wikipedia}
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images/sources: Wikipedia-USS Essex LHD 2, Wikipedia-USS Essex LHD 2 crest, USS Essex (LHD 2) Facebook page
Posted by Bill & Kay

A wonderful post for Memorial Day weekend… Photos and information about a present-day ship reminds us of the holiday’s real meaning.
The Facebook photos of the crew on board the ship are great to see! What a wonderful way to stay connected on their travel to other parts of the world.
I’m still thinking about your Memorial Day get together…blueberry pie you made. I need to make it soon!
Kay, I love this!! What a wonderful post about Memorial Day! My eyes filled with tears because we live in the greatest nation in the world. My nephew just graduated today as a Navy soldier so this post holds an even sweeter spot in my heart! God bless you!
We truly do live in a great country Kim! The video of the USS Essex (LHD 2) departing from San Diego in the blog post always tugs at my heart every time I watch it. What an awesome sight to see, especially with all the men and women out there standing on deck.
Bill and I are thankful for your nephew’s service to this country! Prayers go out to him!