Welcoming the Autumn Season

The change in season has begun . . . . . Welcome Autumn!

I’ve been busy wrapping up the last bit of summer to do list:
1.  drain, clean, and dismantle the kid’s pool
2.  clear the garage of leftover items from our garage sale
3.  finish up the last of bit of painting in the house
{white, off white, bright white, oyster white, and pure white}
4.  put together Caleb’s 10th birthday party, just a bit late …over a month late -ooops

Autumn 2014, acorn image

autumn palette, 2014

Are you ready for the autumn/fall season?!

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French Cookware, Cookbooks & Other Things

French, collecting copper pots & pans

French, fleur de lis

A visit with my good friend Ruthie Cook became a morning photo shoot of her beautiful French cookware and other things.  It all started with the conversation about her bike travel through Central Europe during the summer of 1961.  Along with her travel, the introduction to the cuisine of Europe became the inspiration of her retail store specializing in European cookware.  Her beautiful French collection have brought enjoyment to her and all who come to visit.

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Céline Fall 2014 Collection

Celine Fall:Winter 2014 Collection

 The colors of Fall

Céline Fall 2014 collection is simple, bold, and slightly edgy.
The Creative Director, Phoebe Philo, brought a little bit of the retro 1930’s feel with a modern minimal look to the collection.   The style is feminine with subtle masculine elements.  The statement is in the details and accessories;  adding bold simple jewelry, large stitch work, prints, contrasting colors and textures.

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Remembering September 11

September 11

September 11, 2001

The day the United States of America came under attack.
To read the morning account chronologically of the unfolding event of September 11, 2001, click here.  It’s still fresh in my mind today and when I see the images, they bring it ever closer as if it just happened.

Sometimes things in life are hard to understand or leave us even more confused and the feelings of helplessness will try to take control of our lives.  That’s when we need to cling to God to strengthen and guide us.  The beautiful bible verse from Deuteronomy 31:6 is a good reminder that He is in control.

 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.  “Do not be afraid; do not be discourage.”
Deuteronomy 31:6


Lord, I Need You {Matt Maher}
video not playing, click HERE


Posted by Kay


Homemade Pan Pizza

homemade pan pizza

It’s official:
the first week of school completed, the after school activities began, and the football {high school, college, and the NFL} season is here.

It was a busy week for our family, and when it came time for dinner, the thought of ordering out was tempting, but I didn’t.  With a few preparations made earlier in the week I was able to put together some quick and easy dinners.  One popular item our family couldn’t get enough of lately is homemade pan pizzas {twice in a week}.  I made the dough a few days ahead and kept it in the refrigerator until needed. The supply of grated mozzarella cheese was in the freezer.  Ready made pizza sauce was in the pantry.  I used what pizza toppings I had on hand.  With salad as a side dish, dinner was served.


Homemade Pan Pizza

Hot and delicious pan pizza with melted cheese and crispy/puffy crust.
The pizza dough recipe will make two 10-inch pan pizzas.  I used a cast-iron skillet  and  a LaCreuset pan to bake them in.  They will tolerate high heat and make the crust crispy.

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