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I hope you are enjoying the warm weather and soaking in the long summer days. It has been awhile since my last post, and I hope to get back into the swing of things after the summer break. I’ve been posting on Instagram @whitegunpowderliftstyle, of our daily happenings and thoughts if you want to check it out and follow us there. If you were to ask me about my summer, “busy” would describe it. But, if you were to glance at my bare calendar with a few penciled in reminders it would contradict what I just said. The daily life has been filled with mostly little things that come in waves depending on the weather or who one of my kids is in contact with. There was one big travel plan for Bill and our daughter, Grace, to explore the country of Turkey and Greece in July. After much thought, we decided to cancel it with so much uncertainty and unrest happening in that part of the world. Staying close to home felt like the right thing to do this summer.
This blog post is a follow up to my last year’s blog post, Summer (teen) packing list…destination Cape Cod. My intention was to put it together and share the photos my daughter, Hannah took on her trip to the east coast. Soon after she came back, life had a way of changing things and it was put off and shoved on a shelf {in a computer file} to collect dust for over a year until I came upon it recently. I hope you enjoy this follow up post of the beautiful beaches of Plum Island and a visit to a favorite lighthouse in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
The view from above of the coastline of Massachusetts.
Plum Island is a barrier island located off the shore Newburyport and Newbury, Massachusetts.
On most days this is a great place to be at to take in the view of the ocean, just beyond the houses.
Hannah out on the deck watching a beautiful sunset over Plum Island.
Our littles friends, Hattie {left} and Hallie {right} were having fun and cooling off in the water.
The beautiful beaches on Plum Island.
Eastern Point Lighthouse is located on the eastern tip of Gloucester Harbor in Massachusetts.
My friend Heather {above pic} along with her two daughters, Hallie and Hattie took Hannah to visit the Eastern Point Lighthouse. This is a familiar place as it was once occupied by her great-grandfather, Gilbert Hay, who was the lighthouse keeper in the 1930s and 1940s.
The 2,250 foot long Dog Bar Breakwater was constructed from Cape Ann granite blocks. It was built to shelter the Gloucester Harbor from rough water during storms.
People have been coming to this spot to fish, have a picnic, take pictures, and enjoy the scenery. On my first trip to the east coast, Bill and I visited the lighthouse and walked out and got our pictures taken at just about this same spot.
After the visit to the lighthouse, they stopped at Eastern Point Yacht Club for lunch.
Three refreshing and simple cocktail drinks to make this summer. They are similar, but a little bit different with an addition of grapefruit juice or pineapple juice.
Bay Breeze {add pineapple juice} & Sea Breeze {add grapefruit juice}
1½ ounces vodka
3 ounces cranberry juice
2 ounces grapefruit juice or pineapple juice
lime wedge/slices for garnish
Fill a tall glass with ice and pour all the ingredients, stir, and add lime slices for garnish.
Blue & white seashell cocktail napkins, IHR Ideal Home Range
Cape Codder {Cape Cod}
2 ounces vodka
3-4 ounces cranberry juice
Lime wedge/slices for garnish
Fill a tall glass with ice and pour all the ingredients in, stir, and add lime slices for garnish.
posted by Kay
photographs by Hannah

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