What do you remember about your high school years?
High school years are some of the most trying and challenging times, but there will be many wonderful memories too. As I was putting this blog post together, the common thread that emerged and linked these events together was to embrace the journey at the different stages and cherish those special moments.
As parents, Bill and I are coming to a new chapter in our lives. Hannah is our oldest and is a Junior in high school. Her senior year will be here before we know it. We have watched our close friends’ kids grow up to be young men and women. They have gone out into the world to pursue their dreams. Right now we are at the stage of preparing and equipping Hannah along with our younger ones to do the same.
Here comes the next generation of Seniors.
This was one of the behind the scenes pictures from a senior photo shoot I recently took part in. My girls and their friend decided to tag along to assist me. One of the reasons I chose this area was to include his car in the picture. We could park the car anywhere on the street and the large maple trees with their fall leaves were the perfect backdrops for a fun photo shoot. We chose a few other locations nearby and took several hundred of pictures. So glad I could help to make his senior year a little more special. These pictures will be with him to look back on and remember high school and his senior year.
Friday Nights & High School Football Games!
It’s the fall season and a big part of high school is football. Bill has been taking the kids to the local high school football games and having a blast! One of the games I decided to attend was at my old high school. I haven’t been back since I graduated. The new Issaquah High School was built a few years ago and the campus was enormous and simply gorgeous {click here to see it}, very different from when it was known to be the school out in the country. Somethings have changed and some traditions have not. I remembered the two sections in the bleacher. We were in the “parent section” that night. Bill sat to my left and a young man we met there was to my right. We were chatting about things and were remanesing about those high school years. During that time, my high school football team scored a touchdown and I cheered. The two of them turned toward me with wide eyes and bursted into laughter {for quite awhile}.
Bill said to me, “Kay, did you know what you were doing?”
“Yes, I was cheering! … Why?” I said.
“Kay, you were clapping and chanting with the cheerleaders after the touchdown!” said Bill.
It’s nice to know that some traditions haven’t changed a bit after 26 years.
Last week, Bill and I transferred some plastic bins from storage into our new garage. In one of the bins, I found my letterman jacket that I didn’t know I still have and pictures of me at the football games . My memories of high school and Friday night football games came rushing back.
Our 10 year old son, Caleb {QB}, always has his football with him wherever he goes. He can’t wait until the season starts again.
Bill’s first year of football was in the 8th grade. He continued it through high school and had a great time playing, especially as the running back {RB}.
{video not playing, click here}
The opening pep talk by the coach to the players in “The Boys of Fall” video was beautifully said from the heart. This song always puts a grin on Bill’s face and takes him right back to high school and playing on the football field.
What I love about Friday nights and football games was how it brought everybody together to cheer the team on; the players, the cheerleaders, the band, the drill team, the fans, the parents, and young dreamers. The next generation is building and creating their own memories of high school. To be a part of it and share in their experiences is a wonderful thing.
Share with us your memories of High School?
Posted by Bill & Kay

This is a fun post. I love great memories and I love how you photo captured everything you love about fall (my same loves!). You’re a great photographer, Kay.
It was a fun post to put together and when I was adding up the years since high school, it didn’t feel like it was so loooooong ago 🙂 I hope you are enjoying the fall season and having fun cheering for your favorite football team Lori!