Halloween TREATS! I like to put together simple, fun and not too scary Halloween display for the kids. See the previous year {here}. This theme is all about creepy crawly critters like spiders, frogs, snakes, and bugs. For the next few posts from now till Halloween, I will put together in detail “how to’s” for … treats, paper pumpkins and packaging shown above.
Paper pumpkin treat packages are too cute and easy to make. Flameless candles is the ideal way to add a soft glow and they won’t burn the delicate cobwebs. I also used bare branches in a tall vase to give height and texture to the display.
Test tubes filled with M&Ms chocolate candy pieces {fresh rat hearts}. Free printable “specimen No 3” label & more at Paging Supermom {print here}.
chocolate pretzel spider web treats
Have fun using this Halloween printable that I’ve created from an assortment of spider and insect images in black and white. In the above picture, the printed image had papers layered beneath it with torn edges for a rough organic look. To give it depth, I lightly smeared soft black charcoal and diluted black watercolor paint on the paper leaving a few paint droplets to drip down. Little black plastic spiders were added with double-sided tape for a 3-D effect. The wooden frame covered with spider web and one giant spider cut-out perched at the top corner tied it all together.
Free Spiders & Insects Printable {print Here}
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gummy treats ⎜ clear resealable cello bags 5 7/8″ x 4 1/2″ ⎜ parchment paper liners ⎜ double-sided tape ⎜ scissors ⎜ spider & insect printable labels
1. Cut parchment paper liner to fit inside the cello bag and insert it into the cello bag.
2. Place the gummy treats in the cello bag on top of the paper liner.
3. Remove the plastic strip off the resealable adhesive near the top of the back, fold it over and press the adhesive firmly against the back of the bag to seal the opening.
4. Attach the Halloween treat label to the cello bag using double-sided tape.
Free Halloween Printable Labels/Tags
with description “Creepy Crawler Treats” {print here}
without description {print here}
1.printable / spiders & insects 2.printable labels & tags / spiders & insects 3.chocolate pretzel spider web treats 4.packaged treats in paper pumpkins 5.packaged treats in test tubes 6.packaged treats in paper bags
Come back soon to see more Halloween how-to projects!
{all printables are for personal use ONLY}
posted by: Kay

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