Fall, High School, Football, and Memories

fall, high school, football, and memories

What do you remember about your high school years?

High school years are some of the most trying and challenging times, but there will be many wonderful memories too.  As I was putting this blog post together, the common thread that emerged and linked these events together was to embrace the journey at the different stages and cherish those special moments.

As parents, Bill and I are coming to a new chapter in our lives.  Hannah is our oldest and is a Junior in high school.  Her senior year  will be here before we know it.  We have watched our close friends’ kids grow up to be young men and women.  They have gone out into the world to pursue their dreams.  Right now we are at the stage of preparing and equipping Hannah along with our younger ones to do the same.

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Homemade Granola

homemade granola

The fall season is definitely here, the mornings have been cool and foggy while the afternoons still feel like summer.  With the change in the weather, I’ve been thinking more about cozy things and comfort food.   At the beginning of the week I made our favorite Salmon Chowder followed by Chicken Rice Soup, and ended the week with Beef Stroganoff.  The one thing we’ve been enjoying almost everyday for breakfast and for snacks is Homemade Granola!

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Autumn Wreath & Printable Tags

autumn 2014 wreath


Decorating with wreaths is a wonderful way to welcome guests into your home.  It’s also a great way to show off the beauty of the season or to announce a special occasion.

autumn 2014, wreath

Today I will be sharing two autumn wreath ideas with you.  This came about  from a recent cleaning and gathering of old wire hangers that found their way into the different parts of my house.  I noticed the color variations on some of the hangers, almost copper-like.  I took one of the hangers apart and bent the wire into a circle then twisted the two ends around each other to make a wreath form.  It was sturdy and it held the shape well when branches were added.  The copper/gold tone on the wire also blended nicely with the branches.  This simple wreath became the inspiration for the autumn wreath drawing {above}.


autumn 2014 wreath, printable tags

I converted the wreath image into two different sizes.  The small image was made into printable gift tags.  I used one of the tags to tie on a gift package in a recent blog post, Welcoming the Autumn Season.

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