The abundance of flowers blooming in the garden, on tree branches, and bushes make for easy cutting and gathering. Every few days, I love to walk outside early in the morning and select one or two types of flowers to bring into the home to decorate. Simple arrangements were often my preference. Here are some ideas and ways to decorate with plum blossoms {top left}, lilacs {top right}, lilly of the valley {middle}, apple blossoms {bottom left}, and forget-me-nots {bottom right}.
The plum tree was the first of all the fruit trees on our property to bloom this spring. For about three weeks the branches were covered with white flowers. When a strong gust of wind came through, some of the petals came loose, swirled through the air and fell to the ground. To be under the tree during these moments was always fun.
The best time to cut plum branches or any other flowering tree is at the stage when the buds are still closed. The branches {above pic} were put into a vase with water and in a day or two the flowers started to emerge. On the kitchen island is one of my favorite places to displays flowers and enjoy them from breakfast time to later in the evening.
These apple blossoms filled the galvanized bucket beautifully.
Forget-me-not plants are perennial and self seed themselves every year, I never have to worry about them coming back at spring time. Be mindful as to where you plant these flowers, they can easily take over an area of the garden. To keep them contained, just pull out the ones you don’t want.
Their skinny stems are great for flower arranging and the flowers will bloom for about 5 days.
The sweet blue flowers added a little pop of color to the morning display of chocolate-banana bread and coffee. You can get the recipe, here.
My neighbors are very generous and let me come over every spring and clip off some branches from their lilac bushes. The scent from the deep purple ones are more fragrant than the other the two I noticed.
Some of the beautiful blooms were cut short and placed in a small-tall vase. It was placed up on a shelf with other items to give a fresh look to the display .
Groups of lilac branches were arranged in containers and put near each other to make for a pretty statement.
Lily of the valley plants are always a pleasure to see at springtime. The sweet fragrance from these tiny white blooms is amazing.
Simple arrangements of using different sized glass bottles grouped together and filled with lily of the valley flowers.
To give it height, a cake stand was used to prominently display the flower arrangements.
I hope you enjoy these simple ideas to bring a little bit of spring into your home.
Posted by Kay

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