Hello Spring!
With the arrival of spring there is a new sense of beauty emerging. Fruit trees are blossoming and flowers are starting to come up. On a recent trip to a gardening and nursery center, the sense of spring was in the air as I walked down the aisles filled with flowers, herbs, vegetables and other pretty plants. After a bit of time I was able to pick a nice selection to take home to be used to make flower arrangements for Easter. Moss, lichen and hard broiled eggs were also a part of the arrangement filling in the empty spaces between the plants. I like the organic feel of the display {above pic} and how it brought a little touch of spring inside the house.
The idea of tucking a few eggs into the arrangement reminded me of being outside searching for hidden Easter eggs.
The list of plants and materials starting from the top, clockwise:
1 pink muscari
2 mustard golden streaks
3 Tom thumb lettuce
4 green parrot tulip
5 lichen and moss
6 viola
7 potting soil
8 stones and containers
9 hard broiled eggs
Initially, the plan was to put together an arrangement directly on the cake stand, which would have worked out just fine. I decided to make it bigger by using a regular dinner plate. The slight raised lip around the cake stand edges helped to anchor the bottom of dinner plate and kept it from moving around. To give it height, a small plastic container was used in the middle to hold the taller plants. A layer of stones on the bottom will help to weigh it down and for drainage. The plate is ready to be filled with dirt and plants.
In the small container I planted tulip, pink muscari, and mustard golden streaks.
Fill a layer of potting soil on the plate, arrange viola and lettuce around it leaving a little bit of space in between each plant.
Moisten moss in water before putting it down on top of the dirt. Tuck little pieces of lichen randomly with the moss for added texture and color. Pick a few colorful eggs {these were natural colored eggs from the farm} and place them partially hidden throughout the arrangement.
Here are two looks as to how the arrangements could be displayed.
Setting the Easter table.
Happy Easter!
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Have fun putting your spring arrangement together.
Posted by Kay

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