It’s time to bring out rhubarb recipes. Our family favorite is rhubarb strawberry crisp, you can get the recipe for it here and here. These fresh picked rhubarb {above} from the garden will be used in a recipe to make rhubarb simple syrup and delicious compote.
Rhubarb Simple Syrup and Compote
Yield: about 2 cups compote & 3 cups simple syrup
2 pounds rhubarb, diced into ½”cubes {about 4-5 cups}
2 cups sugar
2 cups water
1. In a medium sauce pan on high heat, combine rhubarb, sugar, and water and bring to a broil, reduce the heat to low and simmer until the fruit softens, about 10 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool.
2. Strain the mixture, let it drain naturally and try not to smash the soft rhubarb pieces. Pour the liquid into a glass container, spoon the compote mixture into another container and cover each with an air tight lid. The compote can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week and the syrup for about two weeks.
Rhubarb Compote
There are many wonderful uses for rhubarb compote. Try it spooned atop yogurt with nuts, spread over toast, or as a simple topping for ice cream and other desserts.
Melt in your mouth vanilla ice cream served with rhubarb compote and fresh strawberries.
It was delicious to the last spoonful.
Rhubarb Simple Syrup
Rhubarb simple syrup is a delightful addition to drinks such as iced tea, punch, mojito, soda, and smoothies. Experiment with the syrup and a tasty, refreshing drink concoction will be the end result for you to enjoy.
Here are two sweet/tart drinks to satisfy thirsty adults and kids, rhubarb fizz {left} with a little kick and a nonalcoholic sparkling rhubarb lemonade {right}. These pretty bubbly drinks would be a wonderful addition to serve at special occasions such as Mother’s Day brunch.
Rhubarb Fizz
Serves 1
1 ounce of gin
2-3 ounces rhubarb syrup {depending on sweet preference}
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
2-3 ounces chilled sparkling wine {Prosecco}
ice, for serving
thin slices of lemon, for garnish
Combine gin, syrup, and lemon juice in an 8 ounce glass, add ice, and top off with wine. Stir gently and garnish with lemon slices. Serve immediately.
Sparkling Rhubarb Lemonade
Serves 1
2-3 ounces rhubarb syrup {depending on sweet preference}
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
3-4 ounces chilled sparkling water {seltzer/club soda}
ice, for serving
sliced lemons, for garnish
Combine syrup, and lemon juice in an 8 ounce glass, add ice, and top off with sparkling water. Stir gently and garnish with lemon slices. Serve immediately.
Love to hear from you…share with us your favorite rhubarb recipes.
Posted by Kay

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